First, the garden is doing very well with all of the sunshine and timely rains lately. The first crop of onions is drying for harvest. The beets are ready, as is the Swiss Chard and Eight-Ball Zucchini. Beans will be ready soon, both the Contender green beans and the Royal Burgundy purple pod beans. Other crops this year include: Sweet corn, Pumpkins (Hercules), Watermelon (sugar baby), Cantaloupe (Ambrosia), Acorn Squash (Table Ace), Cucumbers (Spacemaster, Little Dillicious), Potatoes (Pontiac), Tomatoes (Roma, Better Bush, Lemon Boy, Celebrity, Brandywine), Broccoli (Packman), Sugar Snap Peas (Oregon Sugar Pod), Peppers (Cayenne, Jalapeno, California Wonder, Sheeps Nose, Oriole), Arugula, Horseradish, Basil, Lime Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Italian Parsley, Oregano (Greek and Italian), Lemon Balm, Chamomile (German), Cilantro, Dill, and a few others I'll think of later.

The hens have been very productive these days. We've added a couple of Araucanas to the flock. This variety of chicken is known for it's unusual colored eggs... Blue and Green! Gathering eggs each day is like Easter morning. Eggs in blue, white, green, brown, tan, pink can all be found in the nest boxes and odd corners. The Cochin ladies will be laying in the next month or so and the new group of 15 Golden Comets (read as "egg laying machines") will be in production within a few weeks after that.

The invasion of pygmys continue. Little lady Clementine has joined the fray along with her beau, Duke. Duke likes when Carrie holds him but Clementine becomes a bit jealous and standoffish not wanting to share her boy. They will be the start of the breeding stock (but not too soon!).

Well, I'm sure that there is much more but I'll leave that for the next post which will be MUCH sooner! Promise....