We have a few new additions to the flock! Even though there is a foot of snow on the ground outside, it's like spring indoors, as the incubator starts to produce chicks. Here's our first little peep. An ameraucana chick that was born with a case of spraddle leg, which is a condition that causes it to hold it's leg a bit too far to the side to be able to properly balance. The condition is easy to remedy if caught early. It consists of wearing a brace for a day or so until the bones start to harden and the muscles get a bit stronger. It's already reacting well to treatment, so things should be good for it's future.
We also have a black copper marans chick running around. We're sure he is probably a rooster as he's a lot more aggressive and active than his brooder mate. He appears to be in good health and is running around, eating, and peeping like crazy!
We'll give the incubator a couple of more days to see if any other chicks hatch and then on to a new batch. Hopefully, we'll be producing a batch a month for the first few months of the spring. But these batches won't always be chickens, as we've already made arrangements for some fertile turkey and guinea eggs for hatching as well!
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