Spring is a time for rebirth and birds chirping. That is especially true of our bathroom! Our bathroom is currently the home of a tub turned brooder complete with a complement of baby chicks. We have recently acquired a good start on our replacement hens as well as some that we are raising to market as started pullets. We have a good mix of varieties which include Brown Leghorns (large white egg layers), Ameraucanas (blue and green egg layers), Speckled Sussex (showy brown egg layers), and one little Black Copper Marans.
The little Marans chick, even though only 2 weeks old, is obviously a little rooster. He stands tall and proud and isn't afraid of anything! He will probably take his place among our mixed flock as a beau for the many hens of the main house. Currently our golden campine, Carmine, is the only rooster in the mixed flock and he could use some help! We do have a couple of young Buff Plymouth Rocks that will be up to the task in just a few more weeks but there will be plenty of young hens to go around for the addition of a little Marans roo with swagger!
The little Marans chick, even though only 2 weeks old, is obviously a little rooster. He stands tall and proud and isn't afraid of anything! He will probably take his place among our mixed flock as a beau for the many hens of the main house. Currently our golden campine, Carmine, is the only rooster in the mixed flock and he could use some help! We do have a couple of young Buff Plymouth Rocks that will be up to the task in just a few more weeks but there will be plenty of young hens to go around for the addition of a little Marans roo with swagger!
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